Introduction: Embarking on a freelancing journey, particularly on platforms like Upwork, demands a unique blend of skill, strategy, and resilience. The quest to achieve financial milestones, such as the coveted $5,000 mark, becomes a challenge worth embracing. In this narrative, I unfold my personal journey, unveiling the role of Upwork Smart – a Google Chrome […]
Tag: automated proposal subbmission
Introduction: Embarking on the freelancing journey, especially on platforms like Upwork, is a thrilling yet challenging endeavor. As a freelancer, I vividly recall the excitement, uncertainty, and determination that characterized my early days on Upwork. Achieving the milestone of earning my first $5,000 was not just a financial accomplishment; it marked a significant chapter in […]
Giới thiệu Upwork Extension Upwork Extension là một extension cho trình duyệt Google Chrome do mình phát triển, là một công cụ tự động hóa tìm việc và gửi proposal trên Upwork. Như các bạn đã biết thì tìm job và submit proposal trên Upwork mất rất nhiều thời gian mà chưa chắc nhận được […]